

The Deanery Church of England Academy Open Morning

Thursday 17th October 2024, 9.15 - 11.15am

We would like to invite parents of prospective pupils in year 5 and 6, to our Open Morning.  You will be able to see the school in action, visit classrooms and view the modern building and excellent facilities The Deanery has to offer. Tours will be led by Senior Leadership Team members and our pupil ambassadors, who will be available to answer any questions you might have.

The morning will also include short introduction from Executive Principal Mr Young, on the excellent opportunities The Deanery has to offer your child.

If you would like to attend, please follow the link below to make your booking.


The Deanery Church of England Academy

Peglars Way




Tel: 01793 236611



Art and Design “Every artist was first an amateur.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

In the Creative Arts faculty, we believe that our subjects are extremely valuable as they help us to understand and give meaning to the world in which we live. Our aim is to provide an opportunity for all students to explore their creativity and become the best artists and designers.

The curriculum we provide is rich in skills and knowledge. Through our curriculum, we aim to provide students with an experience that is exciting and to ensure that our students combine practical skills with creative thinking, developing highly valuable and transferrable skills for careers and life.

Art and Design at The Deanery offers a broad and stimulating curriculum that develops students' confidence and ability to explore ideas and produce imaginative visual outcomes to projects.

At key stage 3, students develop the skills and knowledge to communicate their ideas visually. Students are taught a basic art vocabulary as they begin to manipulate the formal elements of line, tone, form, shape, colour, texture and tone with growing confidence. Drawing skills are taught as a means of recording, expressing and experimenting. All students keep a sketchbook in which they record ideas, experimentation with materials and techniques and contextual research.

Students have the opportunity to work in a wide range of media and practices including; drawing and painting, collage, printmaking and new media. All year group’s study past and present artists, craftspeople and designers whose work is relevant to their practical project.

At key stage 4 we currently offer GCSE Art and Design: Fine Art. The exam board is AQA.

AQA Art and Design



The Deanery Art and Design department aims:

· To create curiosity, interest and enjoyment in art

· To encourage independent learning and self-discipline

· To enhance and enrich learning, including making links to the wider curriculum

· To enable students to pursue the subject to the highest possible level

· To recognise the role of art as an evaluation of personal experience

· To recognise the role of art in the creative and cultural industries


Year 7 

Terms 1 and 2 - Introduction to Drawing

Terms 2 and 3 - 'Insects and Mini Beasts' project

Terms 4 and 5 - Fauvist portaits

Term 6 - Hockney Inspired landscapes


Year 8

Terms 1 and 2 - 'Our Hands' project

Terms 3 and 4 - 'Food Glorious Food!' project

Terms 5 and 6 - Endangered species


Year 9

Terms 1 and 2 - Matryoshka dolls

Terms 3 and 4 - 'Through my eyes' project

Terms 5 and 6 - Introduction to mini-GCSE projects/workshops

ART KS3 Outline

GCSE Art and Design


The enrichment programme at The Deanery Academy offers students a chance to explore new practices and strengthen their knowledge within a variety of disciplines in Art and Design.  So far, the Art and Design department has offered:

Photography – Students have had the opportunity to learn about and practice key techniques within Photography. They entered The Young Photographer Competition run by The Rotary Club, where two of our students gained first and third place in the intermediate category and received their prizes from our local mayor at the council offices.

Art Hub - This enrichment gives students the chance to explore different Art media and techniques to those studied in timetabled lessons, allowing them to develop their own art and design practice further. Students have explored the work of new artists and tried their hand at printmaking. All artwork produced will be submitted for our annual Creative Arts Exhibition.

Upcycling – Students have the opportunity to reuse and recycle materials from the schools build. Cable reels have creatively been turned into tables and wooden pallets now stand as various pieces of outdoor furniture. All upcycled furniture will be placed around the school site for everyone to use and enjoy. 

Knowledge Organisers

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Wichelstowe, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number