Home-Academy Contract


The Deanery Church of England Academy Open Morning

Thursday 17th October 2024, 9.15 - 11.15am

We would like to invite parents of prospective pupils in year 5 and 6, to our Open Morning.  You will be able to see the school in action, visit classrooms and view the modern building and excellent facilities The Deanery has to offer. Tours will be led by Senior Leadership Team members and our pupil ambassadors, who will be available to answer any questions you might have.

The morning will also include short introduction from Executive Principal Mr Young, on the excellent opportunities The Deanery has to offer your child.

If you would like to attend, please follow the link below to make your booking.



The Deanery Church of England Academy

Peglars Way




Tel: 01793 236611

Email: admin@deaneryceacademy.org.uk



At the time of admission, students, parents and a member of staff will meet and discuss what is expected from all parties. By signing this contract students and parents are agreeing to the following:


  • their child attends every day, on time, unless they are ill
  • their child wears the correct uniform to, at, and on the way home from the academy
  • their child has the correct learning equipment needed for the day including PE kit
  • they support the academy’s policies on behaviour and uniform
  • they provide a suitable environment for their child to work at home
  • their child completes their homework on time and to the highest standard
  • they attend Tutor and Parent Evening consultation appointments to discuss their child’s progress and any other meetings arranged with their consent
  • they encourage their child to try a broad range of additional activities from those on offer
  • their contact details are up-to-date and they let reception know if their details change.


  • they follow our behaviour expectations of being ready, respectful and safe
  • they work hard and expect to learn in every lesson and additional activity
  • they take pride in their work and achievements 
  • they show respect and use appropriate language towards all staff, visitors and students
  • they attend regularly, arrive on time, wearing the correct uniform and with the correct equipment
  • they are punctual and ready to learn to all lessons
  • they uphold the academy's high expectations regarding uniform and appearance and to wear uniform with pride each day
  • they use ICT according to the academy's Approved User Policy 
  • they follow the academy’s rules at all times and accept that failure to do so will result in sanctions being issued 
  • they respect the right for students to learn and for the teacher to teach 
  • they complete all homework to the highest standard and hand it in on time
  • they are polite at all times
  • they respect the academy building, community and equipment and leave areas tidy after using them
  • they take letters and messages home and deliver them to their parents or carers
  • they attend interventions sessions, as required
  • they, at all times, behave in a manner that upholds the good name and reputation of the academy
  • they understand that the reputation of the academy, and therefore each member of it, depends on the way they behave at all times and that behaviour in the community is as important as that in the academy.


  • we provide a safe and supportive environment for students to enjoy learning and achieve their full potential
  • students have the best possible education by providing a suitable curriculum and individual support
  • we set challenging targets for students to aspire to and review them regularly
  • we provide regular reports of students’ progress for parents
  • we contact home to praise and reward students’ success
  • we contact home if there are concerns about a student’s behaviour, effort or attendance
  • we contact home as soon as possible if students are to be detained for more than 30 minutes after the end of the academy day
  • we provide opportunities for parents to discuss their child’s progress with teachers and other professionals.

Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Wichelstowe, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number