
Yr7 Parent Subject Consultation Evening, Thursday 6th February, 4.00 - 7.00pm




The enrichment programme offers a wide variety of sporting, musical, creative and study support clubs over the school year. The programme runs on 3 rotations throughout the school year – Autumn, Spring and Summer. Each rotation, there will be options that are repeated and others that are completely new or that suit the seasonal period. Enrichment primarily runs on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday each week but there will be lunchtime options throughout the week as well. Lunchtime enrichments offer students the chance to use their lunch time more productively from 12.10 until 12.50. After school enrichments start at 3.30 and finish at 4.30pm.

Enrichment sessions are run by school staff and/or suitably qualified external providers. The options extend what is taught on the curriculum and often offer something completely different and new to get stuck into. This creates a wonderful environment to meet new friends, be surrounded by like-minded students and learn a whole multitude of skills along the way. Some of the options may also lead to involvement within clubs in the local area, competitions at a local, regional and national level, and may also lead to the possibility of trips.


School Cloud Log in

In order to sign your son or daughter up for an enrichment option please use the School Cloud booking system.


Enrichment success:

  • Students have competed in regional and national trampolining competitions thanks to the involvement of Rob, our trampolining coach, who has provided an environment for students to not only learn a new sport and the skills involved, but to also compete on the top stage.
  • Our Fencing Enrichment on a Wednesday has seen a large number of students joining the external club which is run at The Deanery on a Tuesday evening. Neil, the coach, invited Points West into school, to televise how successful the club had become and this was filmed within the incredible facilities of The Deanery CE Academy. 
  • In December 2019, we took our Chess Enrichment group to the London Chess Classic in Olympia, where students were able to compete against other schools in a National competition. We were really pleased with their success and two students returned home with a medal each from their age category.


Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Wichelstowe, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number