Assessment and Reporting

Yr7 Parent Subject Consultation Evening, Thursday 6th February, 4.00 - 7.00pm


At The Deanery we believe that above all else, assessment should be three things:

Assessment for Learning - The principle role of assessment is supporting learners to make outstanding progress. Assessment informs parents, learners and teachers where a learner is in their learning, where they should be able to get to, and how to travel along a learning journey to ensure this happens. We do not do assessments for the sake of assessment- we do it to gain a better understanding of what our students know, what they don’t know and we make a plan to inform our teaching and students’ learning going forward. Our assessment model is designed to embed this understanding within our learners as they strive to accelerate their progress.

Assessment encompasses much more than examinations. Assessment is continuous, it happens every day and in every lesson to help our learner’s improve. It is questioning, homework tasks, milestone activities, in-class work (‘live marking’), and yes, there is also examinations that make that up.

As with everything we do at The Deanery, it is informed by the most up to date, cutting edge educational research. 

See below for 2021/22 End of Year Exam/GL Assessment Timetable

2021/22 End of Year Exam/GL Assessment Timetable

The slides and video from our Assessment, Reporting and Progress information evening can be found below

Assessment, Reporting and Progress information Evening

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