
The Deanery Church of England Academy Open Morning

Thursday 17th October 2024, 9.15 - 11.15am

We would like to invite parents of prospective pupils in year 5 and 6, to our Open Morning.  You will be able to see the school in action, visit classrooms and view the modern building and excellent facilities The Deanery has to offer. Tours will be led by Senior Leadership Team members and our pupil ambassadors, who will be available to answer any questions you might have.

The morning will also include short introduction from Executive Principal Mr Young, on the excellent opportunities The Deanery has to offer your child.

If you would like to attend, please follow the link below to make your booking.


The Deanery Church of England Academy

Peglars Way




Tel: 01793 236611



Students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

SEND Information Report 2023-2024

At The Deanery we strongly believe that all pupils, despite their barriers to learning, can flourish and achieve to their full potential if they are given appropriate opportunities, support and strategies to manage challenges.

Our aims and values:

The Deanery values the abilities and achievements of all its pupils and is committed to providing, for each of them, the best possible inclusive environment for learning by:

•             ensuring the identification of SEND as early as possible in pupils’ school career

•             monitoring progress

•             working collaboratively with parents/carers and outside agencies

•             involving students and parents / carers in decision-making

•             personalising learning for students

•             promoting independence

•             ensuring that the responsibility for SEND is held by all staff and governors

•             removing barriers to enable achievement and success


How does The Deanery identify children with SEND?

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) defines SEND as a child or young person who has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.

A pupil has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

• has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or

• has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities generally available in a mainstream school.

It is important to note that a pupil who has a disability may not necessarily have a specific educational need.

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) identifies four key areas of SEND:

• Communication and Interaction

• Cognition and Learning

• Social, mental and emotional health

• Sensory and/or physical

At The Deanery, identification of students with SEND happens in a number of ways:

  • Information from either the primary or previous school which is shared with the SEND Team
  • Baseline assessments in specific areas
  • KS2 SATs scores and CATS scores
  • Teacher referrals
  • Parent / carer referrals
  • Students self-referrals

How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school?

The SEND Team liaises with all feeder primary schools during Year 6 and makes additional visits as necessary. In addition, contact with parents prior to the child beginning at The Deanery enables them to create a detailed picture of each student and their needs. For high needs pupils and pupils with EHCPs, the SEND Team works closely with the primary school to organise an enhanced or bespoke transition program to ensure the very best transition to The Deanery.

How are parents involved in provision for their children with SEND?

The Deanery believes that parent/carer voice is crucial to enabling pupils to flourish.

Before a child begins at The Deanery parents/carers of children with identified SEND will invited to meet with a member of the SEND to gather their views.

Parents/carers of children with SEND are involved with reviewing provision for their child three times a year. This is through SEND Reviews, lead by the child’s tutor.

If a child has an EHCP, parents will be invited to take part in the annual review process.

How are student’s views taken into consideration in identifying and planning for any additional SEND?

The Deanery believes that student voice should be central to the SEND process. At all stages of the process, from initial concerns, through assessing need, planning and reviewing provision, student voice will be listened to.

Students are encouraged to be involved in writing and reviewing their Pupil Profile. Students are invited to SEND reviews. Students with EHCPs are invited to contribute to and attend Annual Review meetings.

What is The Deanery’s approach to teaching students with SEND?

Quality first teaching is our first step in responding to our students’ needs. We make sure that students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum. We adapt how we teach to suit the way the student works best. At the same time, we work on a case-by case basis to make sure the adaptations we make are meaningful to our students. 


How are adaptations made to the curriculum and the learning environment to support students with SEND?

The Deanery endeavours to give every child, including those with SEND, access to a broad and balanced curriculum.

Teachers adapt learning to enable students with SEND to engage and progress in learning. For example, learning may be scaffolded, visuals may be used to support, information given may be simplified, students might be given access to digital support such as a laptop.

In addition, some children need additional provision within the learning environment to enable them to calmly help them engage in learning. The Deanery has two sensory rooms which students can access if they need sensory input. The school is experienced at implementing adaptions in the learning environment for pupils with visual impairments such as access to Braille notes taker, visual timetables, larger font and taking guidance from the VI team.

Some students may also require the curriculum to be adapted by grouping, teaching style or content of the lesson, having longer processing times, pre-teaching of key vocabulary, reading instructions aloud, support from teaching assistants when necessary.

How are outcomes for students with SEND used to ensure provision is appropriate and impactful?

The Deanery collects academic data for all students three times a year. Attendance and behaviour data is collected six times a year. In addition, pupils who are taking specific interventions will have entry and exit data collected and analysed to monitor impact.

All data for SEND pupils will be analysed by the SEND Team six times a year and this is used to identify how to effectively support pupil’s additional needs within the resources of the school.

What expertise in SEND does the school offer and how are staff trained to ensure that they can meet the needs of pupils with SEND?

The Deanery works in partnership with Swindon Borough Council. Full details of the services they offer can be found on their local offer:

Within The Deanery there are experts in areas of SEND. In 2023-24, experts include:

  • Emotional Literacy Specialists (ELSA)
  • Higher Level Teaching Assistants
  • Teaching Assistants

External professionals / Trust experts also support The Deanery. In 2023-24 these include:

  • Educational psychologists (Birch Psychology)
  • Speech and Language Therapists (So to Speak)
  • DBAT Behaviour Specialist
  • The ARC (Autism Resource Centre)
  • Swindon Visual Impairment team
  • Swindon Hearing  Impairment team


In addition, each year a comprehensive training programme is planned to ensure staff are always developing their understanding of SEND.

How are young people with SEND enabled to engage in all activities available?

Reasonable adjustments are made for students to ensure that all students with SEND are able to access to day trips, residential trips and enrichment activities. In order to keep children safe, in some instances additional risk assessments will need to take place for some children.

In addition, each year a comprehensive professional development training programme is planned to ensure all staff continue developing their understanding of SEND.

How are young people with SEND enabled to engage in all activities available?

Reasonable adjustments are made for students to ensure that all students with SEND are able to access subect and enrichment activities, day trips, residential trips. In order to keep children safe, in some instances additional risk assessments will need to take place for some students. 

How does The Deanery prepare students with SEND for adulthood?

The Deanery works closely with post 16 providers in the area to ensure effective transition for students. We invite key members of the college for the annual reviews. All our plans include a section relating to a young person’s future aspiration.

If I am not happy with the support my child is getting, what should I do?

In the first instance, please contact your child’s tutor or the SEND Team.

There are rare occasions when parents or carers what to discuss their concerns with a more senior member of the school team. To encourage resolution of such situations, there is a clear complaints policy and procedure that aims to resolve problems quickly and informally. Full details are on the website.

Who can I contact for further information and how?

Further information can be found in the school SEND Policy which is available on the school website.

For specific information or further enquiries please initially contact your child’s tutor and Head of Year. 

Further enquiries regarding SEND please email the SENDCo, Dr Kafka-Markey:





Contact Us

Happy to answer any questions


  • Peglars Way, Wichelstowe, Swindon, SN1 7DA

Telephone Number